Trunk Music (Harry Bosch, #5; Harry Bosch Universe, #6)Trunk Music by Michael Connelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After coming off The Last Coyote which was really emotional, this case shifts the dynamics a bit to be more of a police procedural rather than a psychological thriller, but was nothing short of brilliant too.

The ingenuity of Michael Connelly is his ability to come up with a variety of cases and situation that even if you do read all his books in a row, you won't feel as if there is an obvious repetition of situation or cases. In Trunk Music, Harry Bosch fresh off a harrowing emotional experience investigate a seemingly complicated case which may very well turn up very straightforward,

The reading experience was smooth and enjoyable, at no part did the story felt too slow to lose the engagement of readers. The reappearance of Eleanor Wish was also a boon to the story as it adds a sense of familiarity and warmth to the readers who are already familiar with her.

A must read for fans of police procedural.

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